This is an official Metro PCS Device Unlock App service to factory unlock your Samsung, Motorola, Sony, Alcatel, ZTE, Huawei, LG, Nokia, Coolpad, Kyocera and other Metro PCS Android phone that is locked via the Metro PCS device unlock app.
Important: Before you place an order, please open the device unlock app on your phone and tap on the “Permanent unlock” option. If you see a “Unlock Failed” or “Not Eligible for Unlock” message you can enter the IMEI and order the service from us.
If you receive the “Server not responding” or “Communication Error” message please DO NOT order.
Steps to Unlock the Metro PCS Device With UnlockBoot Team
First, you have to find the IMEI number of the phone. You can go to Settings -> About section or open the dial pad and type *#06#. Enter the IMEI code on our website in the form above and complete the payment.
Step 1: Open the Metro PCS Device unlock app on your Android phone and tap Continue then tap on the Permanent Unlock.
Step 2: Now you should see the Metro PCS Device is now permanently unlocked message.
Step 3: Reboot the device and insert the new SIM card.
Now your Metro PCS phone is permanently unlocked and can be used with any SIM card worldwide.
If you have any additional questions on how to use the Metro PCS Device unlock App service – please use our contact form to contact us.
Robin Knight –
Yes it worked fine thank you. It took 11 days but it worked great for my OnePlus Nord 5G.